Saturday 7 April 2012

C Sharp Tutorials/Lesson 12 Lesson 12: Structs

This lesson teaches C# Structs. Our objectives are as follows:
  • Understand the Purpose of structs.
  • Implement a struct.
  • Use a struct.
struct allows you to create new value-type objects that are similar to the built-in types (intfloatbool, etc.). When would you use a struct instead of a class? Think about how the built-in types are used. They have values and distinct operations to manipulate those values. If you have a need to create an object that behaves in this manner, consider implementing it as a struct. Later in this article, I'll explain a couple rules for using structs, which will give you a better idea of when to use them. In the meantime, here's an example.
Listing 12-1. Example of a struct: StructExample.cs
using System;
struct Point
public int x;public int y;
 Point(int x, int y)
this.x = x;this.y = y;

 Point Add(Point pt)
Point newPt;

newPt.x = x + pt.x;
newPt.y = y + pt.y;


/// Example of declaring and using a struct/// 

class StructExample
static void Main(string[] args)
Point pt1 = 
new Point(1, 1);
Point pt2 = 
new Point(2, 2);
Point pt3;

pt3 = pt1.Add(pt2);

Console.WriteLine("pt3: {0}:{1}", pt3.x, pt3.y);
Listing 12-1 shows how to declare and use a struct. It is easy to tell that a type is a structbecause of the keyword struct used in its definition. The basic layout of a struct is much like a class, but with differences, which will be explained in following paragraphs. The Pointstruct has a constructor which initializes its fields to the and y values passed in. It also has a method named Add(), which will accept another Point struct, add it to this struct, and return a new struct.
Notice that there is a Point struct declared in the Add() method. It does not need to be instantiated with a new operator, like a class. When this occurs, the struct is implicitly instantiated with its default (or parameterless) constructor. The parameterless constructor initializes all struct fields to default values. i.e. integrals are 0, floating points are 0.0, and booleans are false. It's illegal to define a parameterless constructor for a struct.
Although not required, a struct may be instantiated with a new operator. In Listing 12-1 thept1 and pt2 Point structs are initialized with values by using the constructor defined in thePoint struct. A third Point structpt3 is declared and defaults to using the parameterless (default) constructor, because it doesn't matter what it's value is at this point. The Add()method of the pt1 struct is then invoked, passing the pt2 struct as a parameter. The result is assigned to pt3, showing that a struct may be used just like any other value type. Here's the output from Listing 12-1:
 pt3: 3:3
Another difference between structs and classes is that structs can not have destructors. Also, structs cannot inherit another class or struct or be inherited from. However, a structmay implement multiple interfaces. An interface is a C# reference type with members that do not have implementations. Any class or struct implementing an interface must implement every one of that interface's methods. Interfaces are a subject for a later lesson.

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